Topic Content

Daf Yomi

Shoneh Halachos on Pesach

Maamer Tikun HaMiddos


Use this link to hear the latest Daf Yomi Shiurim: 

Maamer Tikun HaMiddos

Shoneh Halachos on Pesach

Maamer Tikun HaMiddos


Use this link to hear Rabbi Einhorn's new series on Rav Asher Weiss: 

Shoneh Halachos on Pesach

Shoneh Halachos on Pesach

Shoneh Halachos on Pesach


Use this link to hear Rabbi Einhorn's new review on Hilchos Pesach: 

Haggada Gems

Shiurim with the Daf Doc!

Shoneh Halachos on Pesach


Enjoy previous offerings of X New things to say at the Seder: 

Torah in the Dark

Shiurim with the Daf Doc!

Shiurim with the Daf Doc!


Coming Soon

Shiurim with the Daf Doc!

Shiurim with the Daf Doc!

Shiurim with the Daf Doc!


Watch Video Shiurim from Dr. Ernie Agatstein: